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Wedding photography is reaching new heights. Using the latest technology, we are capable of capturing images from your wedding in a way like no other, with endless possibilities for camera angles to create stunning footage of the big day. Our professional photographers and Unmanned Aircraft pilots pride themselves in taking phenomenal stills and videos in an entirely non-intrustive way. 

With the ability to capture the beauty of your wedding venue, we use our HD cameras to broadcast unique, high quality images and video. Our systems can hover high above the church grounds or entrance, to capture your arrival and later, the happy couple's departure after the ceremony.

Major advances

in aerial technology also mean

that what may in the past have

been considered an extravagance, is now incredibly affordable. With

CAA approval for aerial work, our qualified pilots are able to focus on producing breathtaking results. When you decide to opt for our service, we will visit your venue to pre-plan a shot-list so we can be fully

prepared and equipped

for your wedding


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